A busy spring on the farm

Spring time is always our busiest time on the farm. Any time spent in the Hillbillie Bows studio is taken up with processing and completing all your wonderful order that come in and there is very little extra time for general admin, keeping social media up to date, and working on projects like a new website.

Spring for us means a farm full of baby calves which we rear for a local dairy farm. They stay with us until Mid June by which time they are all weaned off milk and strong enough to be turned out into the fields.

Once all of our calves are in and settled, we then turn out attention to lambing our flock of Lleyn x Romney sheep during May. These are all lambed outdoors, in the fields, and luckily this year with the exception of a couple of torrentially rainy days at the beginning the weather was kind to us.

As May turns to June, the focus then returns to Hillbillie Bows and prepping for the summer season of shows. This involves applying for and booking pitches and all the form filling that goes along with it! Then it’s hours and hours of making enough stock to take with me and I’ve always got new ideas for the set up of the stand which often require Tom stepping in to help with creating my visions!


New Website Launch!